Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Indiegogo campaign highlights

Hey guys!

So we are in the final week of our Indiegogo campaign to raise money for the first stage of our Womack and Bowman clothing line! The development, production and distribution of the BurnFree Aerial workout Onesie! Check out the campaign here

This campaign has been an incredible experience for us and we are so grateful for the generous contributions of our friends, family, peers and circus community at large not to mention the sharing and positive feedback our campaign has received. As important as the contributions are we have also realized the importance of developing an expanded network for our brand and Indiegogo has really helped us do that!

Some highlights include: 

1.  A call from Nicole at Blue Lapis Light in Texas with an offer to donate 15 of her used Aerial Fabrics to our cause! We were so very moved by this gesture especially as Nicole mentioned that she had not been able to release the fabrics before because of their sentimental value but she felt that with us they would find a good home.

2.  An email from D'AIIR project Aerial School in Atlanta Georgia saying they could see how our product would benefit Aerial students and they were interested in selling our Onesies!

3. A facebook comment from Yan Doyev in Israel:

" This is ridiculous! It's only really an all in one (cat suit) with some velcro at the bottom to hold the loops (I much prefer the loops dangling then a little skirt anyway). I guess it's just an L.A thing..."  

Ha! Awesome. We then offered to send him a Onesie, free of charge, for him to try out for himself, if he didn't like like it, he could continue to hate on us, if he liked it, well then perhaps he would just continue on his way... There has since been no response.

Anyway, as we said earlier, a HUGE learning experience. Thank you to everyone who has supported us! Keep flying, check in with you soon! xoxo

      Rachel and Brett

"Dream big, travel light" :)

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